Committing Suicide For Trump

Comedians like Donald Trump. They make jokes about his number one fan: himself. They say what you see, is what you get.

Why then, would players in the Republican Party choose a losing team, a sinking ship without a life vest? Because they don’t think it’s going under. Politics is for individual gain, not for love for country. Trump is a class act when it comes to that. But what does a senator or congresswoman hope to gain, by supporting a man who is his own Pied Piper of Hamelin?

A seat in the state legislature for one, which leads to latent wealth and the possibility of going up the GOP corporate ladder. Political ambition yes, but it’s navigating precarious waters if there’s only one captain, Trump.

It’s an ambition that doesn’t realize there’s a breeze in Arizona. Supporting a man who is in the game just for himself leads to partial blindness. Trump supporters also want to leave a digital legacy I guess. Grand children will be able to Google them under GOP lawmakers who supported 6 January 2021, the attack on the Capitol.

They have more views than Liz Cheney, who lost her Wyoming seat because she is not a sheep, a follower. She chose to support the country, not the man who lit a match and threw at the edifice, because he could not have it.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.



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