George Santos GOP Albatross

No political party is perfect, for the simple reason that they represent different interests that can only work under one umbrella. It is the Democratic Party or Republican Party (GOP) in America. They have the Labour, New Democratic, Conservative or Green Party in other countries.

That umbrella is given certain tags: left, right wing, liberal, progressive etc. Because of George Santos, it looks like the GOP has given itself a new tag: the lying party. This adds another albatross that will immobilize it in the 2024 presidential election.

Albatross #1, Donald Trump: He is the Lying Commander in Chief, claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him, leading to the 6 January 2021 desecration of Congress and international ridicule. Internally, the lie resulted in Georgia leading the pack in passing laws to suppress the vote. Brad Raffensperger compressed Senate Run Off Elections from 9 weeks to 4, thinking this will lead to Herschel Walker’s win. He lost. The Secretary of Sate is now thinking of getting rid of the Run Off altogether. Funny isn’t it?

Albatross #2 Herschel Walker: GOP candidate who lied about his personal life. He has a right to it, but not when it has an impact on what his party stands for. Abortion in this case. Walker campaigned against it, but funded two abortions from previous relationships. His other lies are well-documented.

Albatross #3 George Santos: He lied to Long Island voters about many things like education and religion, but what is despicable is what he did to his mother in Brazil. He stole a check book from her purse, she had been given in trust, by her employer. In trust.

What is trust? It’s common knowledge we don’t trust politicians. That is why candidates like Santos are an albatross for the GOP.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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