Hi! Baby Girl

I just want to relax. Forms of relaxation are as many as black seeds inside a paw paw. Online videos are one form, but different colors. Tik Tok and YouTube Shorts are either like the beautiful fish on the seabed or rubble after a building’s demolition.

One delightful creature is the little girl who says ‘hi baby girl’ to her mother. Her name is Ali, if I’m not mistaken. Her eyes, smile are tonic for the soul, especially one like mine that gets polite letters from creditors.  She gives me inspiration when she  greets herself and says ‘hi baby girl.’

I must baby-girl myself more often. Give the self-confidence a boost, a pep talk, but society frowns upon pride, conceit, selfishness. Be kind to others, sacrifice for your family and community. That is how we are brought up. That’s why we’re so poor. Have you ever heard of a billionaire that got to the top of the bank by being kind?

Forget about their foundations. They formed them to get the taxman off their back. They exploited workers, moved American, Canadian and British factories to where they pay workers in local currencies and where minimum wage is science fiction.

Billionaires know the meaning of taking care of baby-girl first. I must learn from the best. Hi baby girl.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.



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