Internet Addiction Men Losing Families

Some men starve their families, just to send money to online women thru the Cash App.

"Mum, my back pack shoulder strap is broken again.”

“But I stitched it last week.”

“Yes mum. That’s why I need a new one.”

In some families kids are scared of approaching the father because he will rehash the proverb, money doesn’t grow on trees while he is addicted to things that grow on women’s bodies, not on trees. And he pays for them with the Cash App. Men will always be men I guess, but to deprive his family of basic necessities for something he can never touch in his lifetime makes him a ‘genius.’

It might be just 100 grams of craving but the effect on the family might feel like a liter. They adjust to the neglect, because they play second fiddle to daddy’s phone. What is even worse, is being the object of ridicule in school because they don’t have the basics: back packs, winter boots and school supplies. Daddy must talk to his internet woman (it might not be a woman) once a day a least, which shaves off substantial dollars from the family budget. It’s a problem for wives because kids grow like weeds and need new shoes every year. Wives adjust, serve cheap unhealthy meals, do without eye glasses and take the bus.

Kids eat the poor diet but it affects them mentally. When they become adults, they will remember that they had an absent father, who spent most of his time downstairs in his car, scrolling his phone. They know about these things, about Cash App because they know more about the internet, than their parents.

Power to women that hunt online. The internet has flipped the script. They are now the hunters and they are happy that their victims are clueless. How? Some men lose their families, because of internet addiction.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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