Film Producers Part 2

Producers are also responsible for getting film production permits from City Hall. This whole street is full of trucks, driving ordinary drivers bonkers. It is next to the hotel where cast and crew eat and sleep. I stumbled upon this film shoot yesterday.
Can you see the blue gels in that yellow cart? They come in different colours to create mood. You need smaller ones for your Tik Tok skits or home photo shoot. Go to any photography store for more advice.

Film production brings a lot of money into the city where the movie is shot, because producers must buy, rent, borrow or steal everything the director needs.

Production Trucks

Shooting a movie involves transporting things from Point A to Point B. What is in those trucks? Cables. Cables as thick as roots of a tree. They will be hooked to generators these trucks carry, because the film production company cannot steal electricity from the hotel or street lights. City Hall will arrest producers and throw them in jail. Because of generators, electricians are super important in film production to make sure everything is safe.

Production trucks carry lights, tripods and cameras, real cameras not your Mickey Mouse cellphone. Ouch! They also carry lighting aides like lighting gels you see in the pic. To cut a long story short, production trucks carry everything, the film shoot needs.

YouTube Movies

Nigerian YouTube movie producers don’t have money for elaborate film shoots, so they usually do all the scenes in one house which they divide into: a bar scene, bedroom scene, kitchen scene and the pool table. Must there always be a pool table scene? Never mind. YouTube producers mostly use their own money and ask friends to work for free. They also use their own clothes. Ebube Nwagbo, a famous Nigerian actress and producer uses her own handbags, so does Temidayo Amusa, who works in both Yoruba and English movies.

So, you still want to be a producer?  Screenplay first, because every scene has a price tag. Be original. No predictable scenes please like; the bar scene; mother-in-law scene; housemaid sleeping with the boss; the dirty slap scene; mothers’ hospital bills; I can’t have a baby scenes, best friend betrayal; car mechanic workshops; car break down on the road; driver hitting a pedestrian and falls in love with her; secretary seducing the boss scenes etc. Movies become predictable and we click out, then click on to the next YouTube movie.

Producers. Let’s celebrate them. Directors cannot say ACTION, without the producer bringing money to the film project.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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