Democracy Abroad Is It America's Business?

Below is an old blog 31 May 2024 about America and the world.


Americans have blogs, talk shows and podcasts about man/woman relationships but have no clue about how the rest of the world feels about them.

It’s not important because they are the eternal father Christmas. They vote for aid for Ukraine to fight the evil Russians. They don’t know how the conflict began and the difference between Ukrainians and Russians. It doesn’t matter. Congressmen don’t know and don’t care. They’ll just vote along party lines. Americans do not know anything about the cost of foreign policy.

Donald Trump is a blessing in disguise for countries that hate America because of envy or helplessness. G7 countries don’t necessarily love America. They are indebted to Washington because of history, when the U.S. came to Europe’s rescue during the second world war. America came with troops, candy and cigarettes to save Europe from Nazi Germany. I don’t know what kids are taught in school, but that is the foundation of American foreign policy in Europe. We saved you 25 years ago, therefore you are eternally indebted to America. If we fight Russia, you must be on board.

Enter Donald Trump. NATO, now called the G7 countries are based on America’s might, its strength as ‘big brother.’ Donald Trump behaves otherwise. How can a man who is at war with his own country protect Europe? Why should Europe put its citizens in danger for such a man?

I don’t agree with you. Europe and the rest of the world loves America that is why they enter the country either legally or illegally through the southern border. True. True dat. But the point is, is it to enjoy American liberty or destroy it from within? Remember 9/11.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders



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