Voting Power to Elect Presidents

Jogging towards the future. As the Harris/Walz campaign puts it: 'we are not going back.'

Kamala Harris, the U.S. Vice President trying to be U.S. President #47, said something profound in one of the August campaign rallies, with her running mate, Governor of Minnesota Tim Walz.

It was something about voting and I remember the words “……..each and every one of you …….” What is profound about that? Because it makes the individual voter important again and that is important in a country that is being held hostage by one individual. Donald Trump’s stranglehold on the very pillars of democracy have resulted in America’s enemies feeling pity for her. It’s that bad. Yes, America has enemies and I’m not talking about Russia and North Korea.

What Kamala Harris said about “…….. each and every one of you ……” is profound because it is going back to basics. It is reminding voters that they are important. Look at your hands, ten fingers but how you bend them or point says something to the person watching you. What Kamala Harris said might seem basic, but it is profound because we take washing hands for granted, one hand washing the other.

We take singing in the choir for granted, but many voices make one choir. I can’t bake but I know that I cannot put flour on a baking tray and shove it in the oven. I must mix ingredients with milk and shape the dough into hot dogs or dinner rolls, first.

Once again, what she said should be seen in the context of hands. Boxing for example. One fist punches a man unconscious, but many people rush to lift him up. Republicans held hostage by Donald Trump will write books one day. Only then, will the world know why he indoctrinated them that they need him, and only him to exist. Therefore, “ …… each and every one of you …..” remains profound.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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