Georgia GOP Criminal Mug Shots

David Shafer's mugshot. He is the Georgia Republican Party chairman and Trump's co-defendant in the RICO criminal case accusing them of trying to steal Georgia's 2020 election.
Donald Trump, trying to steal the 2024 Georgia election through the State Election Board, are we?

Below is old post 14 April 2024 about Georgia’s control of both House and Senate.


The 6 January 2021 desecration of the Capitol by Trump supporters was just the lava. It brought to world attention an existing volcano, of men who pay lip service to democracy, but violate it on a daily basis because of their majority.

Georgia is a case in point. The Republican Party controls both the House and Senate. They are part of the entity called the U.S.A. but they are notorious for ‘that’s how we do things around here.’ They do things their own way and dare anybody to do anything about it. That’s why Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, David Shafer and the rest of Trump’s co-defendants devised the elaborate scheme RICO calls, the conspiracy to form a criminal enterprise to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in that state. The fake elector scheme, is unprecedented in U.S. politics and globally as well. How does Georgia vote 3 November, and Donald Trump and his associates devise such a scheme early December? We cannot wait for the trial date of the State of Georgia v. Donald John Trump, so that we can learn who came up with the idea of stealing Georgia’s election and the fake electors in particular.

There is a volcano of anti-democracy in Georgia, and it’s not dormant. We saw it during the Senate Run-Off elections where genius Republicans tried to prevent Ralph Warnock and Jon Ossoff from winning and a year later, where they put Herschel Walker, a former football star on the ballot to try and unseat Ralph Warnock.

Georgia genius Republicans seem to live by: I dare you. Nobody can do anything about it. We are in charge around here. We control the House and Senate. That is the only explanation why not one of them thought about being caught. The indictment is about ‘knowingly and unlawfully’ racketeering to change the will of Georgia voters. The same state senators who are part of the RICO conspiracy, passed Senate Bill 202,  the voter suppression law. It is based on a lie. They knew it was a lie. They were part of the lie. They knew they attempted to steal Georgia’s election, for Donald Trump. This is how we do it around here. That’s Georgia, the anti-democracy capital of the U.S.A.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders



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