Donald Trump Ain't Mad

During the shooting. Donald Trump instructed parents of the alleged shooter not to talk to President Joe Biden.

Below is an old blog, 9 February 2024 about the possibility of Donald Trump playing the insanity card.


Donald Trump, the former U.S. President facing election interference charges in Washington D.C. and Georgia is a master of delaying tactics. It will be quite a feat if both trials see the light of day before November, because if a judge dares to breathe, Donald Trump takes it to the Appeals Court. That chews up time.

Donald Trump is also pre-emptive. Let’s try and keep up with him. Presidential immunity is his current cloak of honour. If that doesn’t work, his platoon of lawyers will suggest another stop gap. Which is? Not guilty by “reason of insanity,” popular in TV drama. Will that do the trick?

1. Donald Trump is not mad, just focused. He will be crowned king in 2025, after having won 2024. He’s like that. He wills things, and they happen. That’s the only election result he wants. If Biden wins again, Trump wll retrieve the ‘stolen’ election playbook and use it until 2028, the next election. Money is no problem.

2. Donald Trump is not mad, just focused. That is why when he learned that indeed, he had lost the 2020 election, he claimed he was robbed, while simultaneously working with co-defendants like Michael Roman, to try and reverse Georgia’s legitimate results (see 14 August 2023 indictment by Fulton County DA Fani Willis).

3. Donald Trump is not mad, just focused. That is why the seed to attack the Capitol germinated in his mind and he planted the off-shoots in his online garden. Supporters responded to his master’s voice and came ready with TRUMP TRUMP flags as big as windows. 6 January 2021 was not the work of a madman.

4. Donald Trump is not mad, just focused. That’s why he acts up in court. The intention is to poison the legal system in the minds of ordinary Americans. He wants them to see judges and prosecutors as part of a political cartel to stop him from living in the White House again.

5. Donald Trump is not mad, just focused. He has no qualms about disregarding courts because he has a  reserve bank, bigger than the Federal Reserve Bank, to pay lawyers to appeal.

6. Donald Trump is not mad, just focused. That is why he bypasses all structures of his party, the Republican Party. Why take part in T.V. debates when he is the front runner?

7. Donald Trump is not mad, just focused. He has complete faith in the U.S. Supreme Court. As Alina Habba his attorney reminded us, he appointed some of the justices, so he expects them to watch his back.

There’s more. You can add your reasons why Donald Trump is not mad, just focused. Therefore, his army of lawyers should not even think about pleading that he is not guilty, by reason of insanity.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger









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