Losing Your Job

I saw your husband's car parked at a donut cafe, in our old neighborhood during office hours. Here's the video.

Stella: “Hi! Mo’ how have you been?”

Maureen: “Stella! Long time no see.”

Stella: “I know. Work. Work. Work. That’s why I’m calling. May I speak to your husband please?”

Maureen: “Is that a joke? He’s at work, in the office, with you.”

Stella: “C’mon Mo’ give him the phone.”

Maureen: I see. You still like jokes!”

Stella: Oh! My god! He didn’t tell you he was laid off, two weeks ago.”

It’s no secret that I don’t like Hollywood movies that are now embedded in Nigerian movies. It’s not only the red roses, diamond rings few men can afford and the ‘romantic dinner.’ These movies do not have strong structures that can hold the marriage, in case of an earthquake. Example. Unemployment. How do we tell loved ones that we have been retrenched, downsized or plain fired? It should not be difficult because love conquers all, as they say in the movies.

Yes, we are in love. That’s why we are not Donald Trump with the delay delay delay playbook, so we give the family the bad news as soon as we get that dreaded letter, right? Wrong. We surpass Trump. We don’t tell the wife or husband then, the lying games begin. We go ‘to work’ but drive the car to a deserted street and sit there listening to music or playing with our phone. We go ‘to work’ and play video games the whole day at the entertainment center attached to the mall. We go ‘to work’ to the other side of town, stand next to the river and feed ducks.

We lie until Stella from the office, calls. There’s no right time for bad news. Just bite the bullet.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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