Liz Cheney Has No Regrets

Liz Cheney stood for the truth about Donald Trump and paid the price. She lost her Wyoming seat. No problem. She doesn't regret it.

 Old post 16 August 2022 about how Liz Cheney lost her Wyoming seat.

Tonight's reports from Wyoming indicate that Liz Cheney has lost to GOP sister Harriet Hageman. No problem. Liz Cheney will sleep soundly this evening because she has something that is in short supply in politics: balls. She believes in something bigger than Wyoming, which is America and the truth.

Cheney believes in testimony at the 6 January Committee that former U.S. President Donald Trump’s actions and omissions, questioned democracy. Is it the will of the people or political slavery to a leader?

Steve Bannon, a Trump adviser, has been found guilty of contempt for refusing to testify before the Committee, a good example of the Nigerian proverb: a stubborn fly follows the corpse to the grave.

Politics is a group event that takes place under an umbrella, which is the party. At grassroots level, voters exercise what is regarded as the will of the people by choosing the party that promises to deliver their financial and social aspirations.

Members win and they fly to Washington, where priorities change. The president takes center stage. They hang on to his every word and his wishes and utterances become sacrosanct. What’s wrong with that? It is party loyalty.

It becomes political slavery when a leader, Donald Trump in this case, preaches dogma that is against the institution of democracy and threatens the very existence of the Republic, voter suppression in this case.

Trump says voter fraud robbed him of the 2020 election. Based on that lie, states that embody political slavery to a leader, passed voter suppression laws, Republican states like Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Florida and more.

However, the GOP has politicians that do not subscribe to blind follow- the-leader. Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse dismissed Trump’s claim of voter fraud. Liz Cheney, also a Republican is Vice Chair of the 6 January Committee.

The U.S. Mid-Terms are coming up in a few months. Voters will use them to stamp their stand. Is democracy more important than political slavery to a leader, or vice versa?

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders



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