Recipe Black Eye Peas

Black Eyed Peas is a music group associated with the Barack Obama 2008 presidential campaign. Songwriter wrote YES WE CAN, he crafted from Obama's famous speech.

Black eye peas (beans) is an acquired taste courtesy of a friend from Trinidad and Tobago. We grew up with red and white beans in Africa. We also helped grandma harvest them although we didn’t appreciate it at the time. We thought it was hard work.

I had cooked black eye peas for this recipe because it was in the fridge, where I store cooked red, white, mung beans or chick peas. Mama believed in using beans to make food ‘stretch’ for her kids and our cousins.  

1. Cook onion and tomato in canola oil for 6m

2. Add Jamaican jerk sauce or spice mix

3. You can also use your own spice mix

4. Add lean ground beef, cook for 5m

5. Add fresh garden peas or frozen ones

6. Cook for another 5m

7. Add chopped carrots and the tip of small chilies

8. Cook for 3m, then add cooked black eye peas

9. Slow cook for 10m for everybody to get acquainted 

10. Eat as is, or with rice, bread, any flat bread from your culture.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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