Gym Queen Bee

Kate Henshaw, born 19 July 1971. The Nigerian actress and gym owner, has invested in her body beautiful for more than 15 years, if I'm not mistaken.

Signing up for a new class at the gym might be hazardous to your health because the territory is carved up like the 10 Canadian provinces.

You might place your yoga mat upfront not knowing that it belongs to the class diva, that usually strides in late, flipping her hair or scalp destroying braids. There is no cue for a fried scalp.

‘This is my spot,’ she says.

‘Show me the title deed,’ I say.

Just kidding. Run for your life. People don’t use personal trainers for a variety of reasons. They might not have money for that service. They are in the gym to socialize, canvass for their political party, take Instagram selfies or push a brand of night cream they sell.

Maybe they prefer to exercise at their own pace, without somebody writing down their progress. They might be interested in just one piece of equipment e.g. the treadmill.

Other people like classes, the idea of of lunging, sweating and grunting with 20 other bodies in designer gym pants and tops. Some gym instructors prepare for their lessons, bringing new information that will motivate the class. Others clone Jamie Lee Curtis in the movie Perfect.

Group fitness is good about one thing. It arms you for me-fitness, when it is too cold to go to the gym or taking breaks, if you work at home. You will arrange your mat on the floor and repeat some of the instructor’s stretches but guess what, you come up with your own moves.

It is a wonderful feeling. Oh! I can do it like that. You cannot plan it, like making a note in your cellphone calendar. It comes naturally, which means you are enjoying it.

Whatever happens, don’t tell gym instructors. They will incorporate it in their routine and not give you credit. It is open field, like the internet where stealing ideas is normal like breathing. Only the sports media boys acknowledge the source of information: according to …….. That is what is called a fraternity, but they cut and paste from general blogs at will.

I nearly forgot, we also go to the gym to run away from people we live with, at least for a few hours.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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