Birds' Podcast Outside The Window

Corn is so organized, all the words glued together. I've never heard that a corn-on-the cob had writer's block. Chaaayi.

Below is an old blog 13 December 2023 about writers' block. Maybe I should try Tik Tok. 


Writer’s block is a condition and I hope pharmaceuticals don’t come up with the dumb idea of making medication for it. We pop so many pills because we cannot take discomfort of any kind, since we are cocooned from cradle to an old age home.

We’re cowards. Antelopes know a lion might pounce at any time, but that doesn’t stop them from doing a Tik Tok dance challenge. Writer’s block makes me think about useless things, useless because they are not profitable, not even one dollar.

The Twitter (original live birds) crew for example. How can they tweet merrily outside the window? Is there anything to tweet about in this minus zero temperature? When writer’s block has me in a neck brace, I even think about how they tweet. It’s always a group tweet. How about individualism, like in the real world? Surely, it’s not against the law to solo tweet.

That is writer’s block. There are other situations that make my mind wander. Dogs wearing shoes and jackets make me wonder about squirrels. I cannot imagine them wearing sweaters. Nature built them in such a way that we cannot enslave them with clothes.

Besides, there’s the cat problem. I once saw a cat chase a squirrel in the park. Amazing speed from both. The cat caught its prey. Gruesome. It was a wake-up call that a cat is a cat as in lion, tiger and leopard. Maybe there’s no writer’s block. It’s just me equating nature with human senselessness.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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