World Watching November 5 Election

Photo: Nonqaba waka Msimang.
America, a nation of immigrants, whether they loaded their meagre possessions 
in this voyage trunk, or carry-on plane luggage. They are a blended family now, the U.S.A.

It’s none of our business what happens in America, but the democracy scar Donald Trump left behind, is. Would this happen in a country under America’s armpits? Never. James Bond 007 clones, would have stopped Trump invaders before they got to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office.

What happened on 6 January is our business, because the U.S. sees itself as god of the world, despite the defeat in Vietnam and quite recently, Afghanistan. Charity begins at home. If the U.S. cannot protect Washington, the seat of government, what gives it the right to shed blood in other countries to defend supposed democracy?

Dollars. War is an industry and the U.S. has dollars to fund it. The 2023 budget saw a 9% increase for the Defense Department. Senator John Tester said it will keep America safe with cutting edge technology “….. that’ll maintain our fighting edge over adversaries like China and Russia.”

They are not enemies. They have land and its resources, something the U.S. wants today and tomorrow. The enemy is within, the scar Donald Trump left on democracy. As the Zulu proverb goes, impi isesendeni. Loosely translated? War is in the family. If the FBI and CIA could not detect the January 6 insurrection, war is definitely within the family.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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