You Too Old For That Dress

"You’re too old to dress like that.”

Don’t ever say that to a woman you don’t know. You might lose a limb. How about friends, can they be frank? Definitely not. Lies are the grout that keeps friendship tiles together.  

Which brings me to age as a barrier. I’ll never forget the friend who poured cold water on my dream. Toronto, Ontario at the City Hall skating rink. I said I would love to learn how to skate. He said I should be careful because we were at an age, where bones do not heal as fast as they did when we were young. What kind of a friend says that to another friend? Honestly.

Is there a universal measurement of age? Is it related to ability? Fine, that friend disrespected my bones, but what about ability? Surely, I can learn chess. It’s not age specific, is it? Surely, I can be the next U.S. President after beating Joe Biden and Donald Trump in November 2024. How old are they? That’s my point right there.

The world is flexible now. The individual is the final arbiter of what his body looks like, how he covers it or decides not to and how he behaves. One comedian said there’s nothing sad like seeing an old guy in a night club. He is the master of his fate. He still likes what he saw when he was young.

You know what? I’ll go with my friend who said my bones are too brittle for belated skating lessons.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders



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