Trump's Insurance U.S. Supreme Court

Danger, Supreme Court gutting democracy sidewalk.

ld blog 26 april 2024

Donald Trump’s lawyers will make sure, his criminal cases do not see the light of day before November 2024, but he understands the English language. Delay does not translate into delete, destroy, decompose, deactivate or debunk. His cases will be waiting for him after the presidential election.

The justice system has loopholes, but they were designed to make justice thoroughly fair for everyone affected. Unfortunately, it is abused and you need money to loop yourself out of the wheels of justice. Donald Trump has mega-millions for that but none to pay the State of New York $464 million plus the daily interest. He won’t be in a courtroom before the presidential election because the U.S. Supreme Court, has his back. How do you know? Because of his confidence about it. He’s very cocky as if he has a secret why, the Supreme Court is in his corner.

Delay is not delete, no matter what he tells himself. He continues to put rust on the wheels of justice because he thinks he will be back in the White House in January 2025, after taking the Oath to be the U.S. President-For-Life. We all have dreams. That’s his. They don’t come true most of the time. That’s why he used force on 6 January 2021. Delay, delay, delay does not mean delete because this date in indelible in America’s mind. The Supreme Court has his back so, he’ll won’t see court combat, before November but he will see it next year because delay does not mean delete, destroy, decompose, deactivate or debunk.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders 



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