Cause of Death? Passwords

Cause of death, passwords? What can I say? These bank cards have the same color so, sometimes I punch wrong passwords and the machine blinks: incorrect password.

I’m going to pass out any minute now.  No, I did not have a drink from a bottle of a man called Johnnie or inhaled some medicinal weed. I’m going to pass out from passwords. I understand the need to have a password for the bank. I don’t want loved ones and enemies to know the contents of my accounts, because I don’t have any money contents in there. 

What I don’t understand is the need to have a password for anything I want to do online.  Why do crocodiles pretend they are logs in the river, and then yawn and eat me up when I step on the fake logs? Someone has the answer, but I must sign up to get it.
Another password to remember?  I don’t think so.  I can’t use 1-2-3-4 or ABCD.  Such mundane passwords are not allowed.  People with a low I.Q. like yours truly are not encouraged to apply.
I forget complicated passwords.  Use five digits, four uppercase, a number sign and asterisk.  Please jog my memory.  What is an asterisk?  O.K. O.K. the more complicated the password, the less likely that hackers will crack it open.  I hope they are not listening.
But the truth of the matter is, these people do it for selfish reasons.  It’s a numbers game. Employment agencies want to boast that they are the ‘biggest and best’.  Government officials and business managers want a bonus at the end of the year. 
I refuse to open another account which will require another pass word.  I can pass out from hunger or thirst, but not another password.  Pass the ketchup please.
By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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