Donald Trump Will Pay For Delay Delay

Stability. Safety. Synergy.

The first thing that hits you when you arrive in Canada or the U.S. are streets. You marvel at the size. They are quite wide if you were born in another continent. Olde England is even worse. The cobbled streets in some parts of London were made for humans and horses, not cars.

American streets are not only wide. They are one-way, as well. That brings us to Donald Trump’s plan of action. Which is? All his criminal trials related to 6 January 2021, the crime against America, must be on hold until after the election because he will win and delete them, as in, the delete button on your laptop or phone. Well! So far so good because what Trump wants Trumps gets. Even the Supreme Court concurs.

But what about voters? Do they say yes boss, we shall vote Republican so that you can achieve your goal and also expunge the saying: crime doesn’t pay? It seems like, that is the general one-way analysis. How about the flip side? Surely there are voters that believe in right and wrong, that believe that justice cannot be put of hold because of one man, a special man who has America by the throat and has vowed that when he loses the election, he will strangle the country and poof, it will be gone.

Surely there are voters that will not vote for Trump because of his attempted robbery. They voted. Vice President Mike Pence votes Republican, but the U.S. Constitution says he must do his job. He did, because he owes allegiance to his country. That is another flip side of Donald Trump’s delay, delay, delay strategy, so that he can eventually delete January 6, and free the terrorists he calls ‘patriots.’

Surely, there are voters who envy Trump’s sacks full of money that enable him to stay out of jail. They envy him for the suspend-justice-until-after-the-election because every two weeks or once a month, they drive to American prisons to visit their sons, daughters, grandsons, grandfathers and aunts who committed crimes. Indeed, some prisoners were wrongly accused, but don’t have Trump’s dimes and dollars to prove their innocence.

Trump supporters will vote for the delay strategy because they worship him like a god, and want him to bring back a lawless society. Indeed, they love him even more now because of his Superman quality after the failed assassination attempt. Trump was shot in the ear, but was up and about the following day, with no apparent wound. What happened to the bullet? Supporters love the Superman vibes.

Those are MAGA disciples. The flip side are voters that say democracy keeps the Capitol tall and proud, and will vote to protect it from a second attack.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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