Prolong Till U.S. Election

Old blog,  22 May 2023

We are human. That’s why we have the propensity to prolong things, especially pleasant feelings and situations. Boy meets girl. Things go smoothly for a few months, then the propensity to prolong the bliss kicks in. They move in together. Her true colors bloom and clash with his. They break up.

Nieces and nephews drive aunties and uncles crazy during the summer. They love to visit because they do fun things. The problem is that they like to prolong the fun, driving the babysitter aunt or uncle crazy. You buy them smoothies. Instead of enjoying them, they keep looking at each other to see who will finish last. Finishing first is losing. You call the parents and they say don’t worry. At home, they put the meat aside and eat the vegetables and rice. They want to see who will eat it last. Is it possible to prolong eating a piece of meat? Impossible.

Prolong is the name of the game in politics. There are congressmen and congresswomen who have represented their states for over 20 years. They want to prolong the fun of being in the hallowed chamber of the House of Representatives. In the Senate, it’s a till death do us part situation.

Then comes the quarterback of prolonging things. Donald Trump. He wants to be U.S. President again and he will do anything, by any means necessary to hop on the throne again. This includes maiming men who tried to help him prolong his reign: Michael Cohen, Rudy Giuliani, Kenneth Cheseboro, Mark Meadows, John Eastman and a lady. Sidney Powell.

Prolong is prolong yes, but for how long?

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders  


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