Sign Language Is Common Sense

Photo Credit: Online pic.

Sign language is the language of the future because we don’t talk to each other anymore. We do finger tap dancing on our phones, laptops and iPads. Therefore, in 50 years time, kids will be born without the ability to speak. God, nature or whatever phenomenon made human beings will say: you don’t use it, you lose it.

Common sense

How did the species called ‘humans’ become extinct? They stopped using common sense. Just think of what you do when people do dumb and even dangerous things? You tap the side of your head. That’s sign language but you do it twice.


You are dressed and waiting outside, near the car. The person you are going out with, is rummaging through her handbag. You tap twice on your wristwatch (when we used to wear them) using the pointing finger. That’s sign language. Yes, it means time. We are running out of time. Running late. We’ll be late.


It’s the word of our times: fake handbags, fake love, fake news, fake statistics, fake intelligence etc. That smells bad, right? You hit your nose with a finger. That’s sign language.


Going shopping, are we? Movies like scenes where Miss Lady emerges from the dressing room with two outfits. She shows it to the boyfriend using her eyes. That’s sign language but you do with two half moons, sort of. Dear movie director, delete such scenes. These people don’t even want to go shopping with us. They wish they were watching the game with other boys or making money playing video games.

Bad news: Letters of the alphabet in Sign Language, are like driving a manual transmission car. You’ll keep getting stuck if you don’t how the clutch and 5 gears work. That’s me. I’m not good at forming letters A and S. Which is which? Chaaayi!

Source: Loosely based on Signing With Omar.


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