Sign Language is Common Sense (Part 3)

Erin Jackson from Florida U.S.A. How do you sign speed skating?

Sign Language is common sense because it’s real life. How do you put on your coat? That’s Sign Language right there. Do you wear glasses? That’s how you sign reading glasses. Open your laptop. That’s how you sign laptop. The microwave oven is one of my favorite signs. Can you guess how you sign that?

Sign Language is not hard. We think it is, because it forces us to use common sense, switch off cellphones and look at who is talking to us. The language is in the eyes, mouth, forehead, arms and hands. Love. Hate. Anger. Fear. Confusion. Recognition. Fatigue. Sympathy. Disappointment. It is disappointment in a child’s face when we say:

“Go to your room. Mummy is busy on her phone.”

Paris Olympics

Sometimes you need help in a strange city. That is why you need the ‘please help me’ sign. It’s a wonderful sign. No. I won’t tell you, look it up. Sign Language lessons are in there, in your phone. You will meet people in Paris and you’ll tell them you are an American, African or a Canadian. Sign Language takes care of all that. How about Olympic Games? How do you sign the following?




Figure skating

Synchronized swimming

Speed skating


How many games are played in the Olympics, about 40? I’m not sure. All I know is that there are winners and losers, just like there is night and day. Hey! Does Sign Language have night and day? See! No common sense. What kind of a question is that? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Source: Loosely based on Signing With Omar.


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