Talk About Election @ Home

Every family has an 'expert' on grilling meat, football, soccer, religion everything.
They should be experts in this election, spread the word. Vote or lose it. Lose what? 

The U.S. November 5 election is like no other. It is a family election, to decide if Americans want to reaffirm what makes them different from North Korea, oil-producing Gulf states and Uganda, which has been ruled by one man since 1986, or lose it.

This year is about keeping it in the family, the democracy family. That is why Americans should continue with family campaign managers. Yes, all families have orators. The uncle who keeps everyone entertained around the BBQ stand with a red cup in his hand. He also knows meat cuts like the back of his hand but doesn’t bring anything to cookouts. Nothing, not even hotdogs for the kids. Another family orator is a cousin who doesn’t lift a finger in preparing food for weddings or graduations but hangs around the kitchen giving instructions about hard-boiled or soft eggs in the potato salad.

It’s family. What can you do? Such orators should also include the November 5 election, pepper their jokes and ‘wisdom’ about it. Keep it alive, like how people  talk about what they’ll do for Labor Day, Christmas and New Year. No. They should not prescribe the choice: Biden or Trump. They cannot, even if they tried. Why not? Because you are alone in that voting booth. We lie through the teeth about who we are going to vote for. There are also women who live with dictators. ‘This is how this family votes. Period. They say yes daddy, but vote for what they believe in.

What family campaign managers should do though, is to make themselves useful by studying voting options: by mail, early voting,  absentee voting etc. What worked and did not work in previous elections? Family campaign managers in Georgia must be extremely vigilant because of ‘Genuis’ Georgia GOP whose aim in life is the suppress the vote.

The aim is talking about voting in this do-or-die election, then doing it.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders



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