Refurbished Truth

Truth is pink, yellow, blue, purple, depends on the paint brush.

There’s nothing like the truth. It’s either my truth, your truth, their truth and our truth. That’s why there are wars, and some are caused by religion. My religion is the truth, not yours. That’s why there are atheists. They don’t understand how there can be one god, when there are so many atrocities perpetuated in the name of religion?

Politics is different. Candidates on the campaign trail are ambidextrous. They work with different truth qualifiers, because they need the vote. They recognize the labor truth qualifier and the employers. They accept the climate change truth qualifier and industrialists’. They believe in the whales’ truth qualifier and oil drilling truth qualifier.

The jungle is better because it is upfront. There’s only one truth around here. Which is? My truth, says the lion. It is partly right because all other animals teach kids how to out-fox the lion. In concrete and steel cities we live in, only landlords have a truth qualifier. Which is? Office and home rent goes up every year. Banks too. Fees go up every year. The price of gas is also based on oil companies. They have the monopoly of the truth, about how crude oil is drilled, refined and marketed. Consumers at the gas station cannot question the price at the pump. Buy an electrical car, otherwise shut up and fill up. 

How about home? Which truth qualifier prevails? Parents, until we reach 18, then we are free to do what we want, including sleeping under the bridge or homeless shelter. These places also have truth qualifiers. Tyler Perry has a movie Good Deeds, where the mother (Thandie Newton) ran away from a shelter with her daughter, after a rape attempt. 

There is no truth, unless you are Donald Trump. You create your own truth.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger



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