Biden Goes? Voters Will Turn A Nikki Haley Spanner

Stability. Safety. Synergy. Democracy. Decency.

Can you imagine what Donald Trump will say should Democrats fall into his trap, and throw out the baby with the bath water?

“I said it. Democrats are weak. What kind of a party kicks out a performing President four months before the election?”

Rogue Democrats want Donald Trump to win. There’s no other reason why they want President Biden to step down because of 27 June 2024. These rebels don’t remember what happened on this date, but personal voters in the Democratic Party remember all the work Biden has done thus far, and want him to continue. They will vote for democracy and decency. They will vote for their needs and to be able to walk tall around the world once again, without being the object of derision.

“I said it. Democrats are weak.”

Trump is the drill master in this race. I want a debate Joe. Biden’s handlers say yes sir, Donald Trump. They were warned not to have a debate so early in the race. It’s not the first time Trump says Biden is ‘weak’ but it’s bitter sweet now because he is hearing it from rogue Democrats. Why is he weak?

1. He’s weak because he doesn’t cook the books.

2. He’s weak because he did not desecrate the Capitol.

3. He’s weak because he respects elections and their outcome. The people have spoken. That matters is America.

4. He’s weak because he can never try to kidnap a U.S. Vice President doing his job, like Trump did with Mike Pence.

5. He’s weak because he is not surrounded by Trump look-alike lawyers who engineered the fake elector scheme in Georgia and elsewhere.

6. He’s weak because he respects the American justice system.

7. He’s weak because he pays taxes.

8. He’s weak because he respects women.

9. He’s weak because he’s a family man.

10. He’s weak because he doesn’t lie through his teeth.

He is ‘weak’ because of 90 minutes on television? Is that it? He’s old. Donald Trump is old too, like you and I. We lose a drop of youth every time we go to bed. Donald Trump doesn’t hide it. Every chair is a sofa bed. He snores away before a judge and at RNC, but calls the President of the United States ‘sleepy Joe.’ And guess what? Rebel Democrats believe him. That is why they want to gift him the 2024 election.

How? If they kick out Biden, voters go with him. Remember Nikki Haley and the primaries? That is how personal voters work. Fine, you are pushing Donald Trump down our throat? No problem. They voted for Nikki Haley.

Personal voters ‘riding with Biden’ are mad at the rebel Democrats, but they cannot be spoon-fed lies. They are not babies. One thing for sure, if Joe Biden is forced out, they’ll go with him. Down in Florida, Donald Trump has ordered more crates of champagne because it looks like those Democrats are on the same page with him: Joe is weak.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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