Sign Language is Common Sense (Part 2)

Photo Credit: online pic.
Gallaudet, is the Sign Language University based in Washington, U.S.A.

We do sign language every day. Kids are good at it. They understand ‘the look.’ We grew up on the look and we turned out nicely, thanks very much. France is happy about the Paris Olympics for obvious reasons but communication will be a problem. Millions of people from around the world who cannot ‘connect’ because they speak different languages.

If only they spoke sign language! Yes, it is speaking. How about some basics? You ought to know the following: 

Bonjour! Ca va! (if you at the Paris Olympics)

Hi! Hello! Hallo!




How much?

Time. What time?



Please help me.

Thank you.


Sign language will work for the Paris Olympics and back home in Canada and the U.S. You do it all the time.

Is this seat taken?”

“No, you can have it.” 

Not a word was spoken, but it is understood because the face, eyes and hands did the talking.

Source: Loosely based on Signing With Omar.



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