
What is life? I think it’s about crossing, but it’s not that simple. That is why City Hall made pedestrian crossings, train crossings and traffic lights with green, amber, red. Communist and free (capitalist) countries don’t like each other very much, but they agree on these 3 colors.

Maybe life is not difficult per se. We should take the blame because pedestrian crossings are there, but we prefer jaywalking. We also indulge in love, health, budgeting, career and addiction jaywalking. Example. It doesn’t mean that because the speedometer goes all the way to 200, we should let loose and drive at 160 kilometers an hour. There are speed limits everywhere. Even the autobahn in Germany has speed limits, in some sections.

We also like health jaywalking, eating and drinking, more than what we can eat and drink. You heard me right. We are also notorious for love jaywalking, being with people and in places that are dangerous for mind and body. You also see us on television holding placards we cannot explain. No facts. No sequence of events. No understanding of after-protest consequences. Just protesting because …….. Yes, because …..

Yes. We love jaywalking in its entirety, in all aspects of life. Crossing is boring, predictable. We don’t like using pedestrian crossings or waiting for the pedestrian light to turn green because it is time-consuming, and you know time is a scarce commodity. We will die if we don’t check our phones for 30 minutes. Crossing where we should, is orderly. It is safe. Jaywalking is more exciting, unpredictable and that is how life should be, exhilarating. The problem is, we live to regret it. Fortunately, we have the usual scapegoat to blame: the government.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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