Text Messages. The Hiding Place.

We call people we love. The rest we text.

It seems as if sending text messages (called SMS in southern Africa), is more popular than hearing a human voice. That would be ironic because cellphones were touted as the best thing since sliced bread due to expected results. More people will have phones. They will call each other more. Communication will be instant and anywhere. No more sitting at home staring at that phone or taking the handset to the garden or garage, because you are waiting for a call. Business was also excited about cellphones’ multiplier effect. How? They would increase the number of people calling to order goods and services.

That was the expectation. More of everything, generated by calling more people and service providers like doctors, hotels or stores. In the euphoria of having phones in our back pockets and handbags, we didn’t take notice of the text or SMS feature until, human nature kicked in. We started texting when our feelings and circumstances changed. Love turned to hate. Friends called us repeatedly and we ignored the calls. They resorted to texting. We also ignored them and praised heaven up above, for the ability to delete the text.

“No. I didn’t get your texts.”

The cellphone, a device intended to have more human voices sharing good and bad news gained popularity because of text messages. A text  cannot transmit the tears in my eyes after losing my job; the bank repossessing home and vehicle; going bankrupt; the divorce and daughters that say I hate my mother.

Then there’s envy, jealousy, hatred. You will sense that in my voice. That’s why we prefer texts. The sad part about text messages is being de-grouped, if there is such a word.

“Have you heard from Gugu?”

“Yes. I spoke to her this morning.”

“You called her?”

“No. She called me. In fact, she calls every other day.”

Well! It’s life. You only want to hear voices of people you love. As for the rest, let them be grateful that they are still in group-texts.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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