U.S. President's Core Function is To Protect

Stability. Safety. Synergy.

The U.S. President is like a coin. It has two sides. The office bearer protects citizens at home and abroad. He is the Commander in Chief, the protector function that was vested in British kings and queens. That small country fought wars on behalf of “Her Majesty” or “His Majesty.”

Royal Navy

Royal Air Force

Royal Artillery

These three branches are an example of how the queen or king protected citizens from enemies far away. Royalty is anathema to Americans. That’s why they replaced the monarchy with an elected president whose key function is to work with Congress to protect the coin from within and without. The U.S. has an elaborate document called the Constitution. It was carved to prevent any whiff of royal privilege, dictatorship or totalitarianism.

I’m not a constitutional lawyer. I stand corrected, but I don’t think that document has a clause, a section, an amendment that says the U.S. protector can unleash violence on people he is supposed to protect. His Commander in Chief function is mainly to protect his people, from enemy forces.

A crime is incubated over a period of time, so was 6 January 2021. Co-conspirators looked at the pro’s and con’s, allocated duties and fine-tuned emergency routes. This all comes to light in a court of law. But that is for ordinary criminals. On 1 July 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court said such evidence cannot be used against a president who was doing his ‘core’ function.

A president’s core function is to protect U.S. citizens from enemy aliens. On 6 January 2021, Donald Trump declared American voters as the enemy, and exercised his Commander in Chief function at home, internally, in a ceremony that is the reason why on July 4, 1776, America adopted a DNA devoid of the absolute rule of kings and queens.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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