Coopted Democrats Trump Jumping for Joy

Stability. Safety. Synergy.

Donald Trump is the dance master of the 2024 election. He determines ballroom steps: one-two, cha cha cha, cha cha cha. He got the ball rolling with that premature debate.

1. There was no need for it. Trump put out the bait and President Joe Biden was hooked. His advisers didn’t see it coming.

2. The debate yielded results Trump wanted: doubting Biden’s ability to rule America effectively as he has been doing since January 6, 2021. Biden’s advisers seem to be on track this time around, reassuring voters that the finishing line is clear-cut. Stability, safety and synergy will win. Biden will win.

3. Rogue Democrats who want Biden out are co-conspirators that want Democrats to lose the election. How? President Biden represents stability, safety and synergy. If Trump co-opted Democrats want him out, the majority of the grassroots base goes with him.

4. Co-opted Democrats have a magic wand. Because of 90 minutes on television, they want to delete Biden’s report card he achieved under very difficult circumstances: a do-nothing, but avenge Donald Trump Congress. He lost the 2020 election.

5. Co-opted Democrats want the Party to be leaderless and headless like the Republican Party.

6. Co-opted Democrats want to hijack the Democratic Party and deliver it to Trump on a platter, so that he can implement Project 2025.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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