Trump's Grip on Congress

House Speaker Mike Johnson, committed to 'kissing the ring.' Don't look at me. Nikki Haley, a Republican presidential candidate said it.

Donald Trump’s intention to rule America again is novel in U.S. politics. Let’s dust history books and look at President Harry Truman’s milestones. Dropping the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War 11 is what the world remembers about him. He never thought of being President again, a seat he occupied because of President Roosevelt’s death in 1945.

Donald Trump is the exact opposite. He is running again despite being the architect of 6 January 2021, which saw his supporters storming the Capitol. In France, it was storming the Bastille on 14 July 1789, but it was to bring down ruling aristocrats, not to prevent the officiating of a democratically elected president. Joe Biden.

Donald Trump is a unique man. He is like a petulant child. I want, I want, is his modus operandi (M.O). That is just Trump and nothing can be done about it. What is baffling though are Republicans supporting him. Is it possible he is blackmailing them? Let’s put the election process aside for a moment and dig into the murky bowels of human nature.

1. Do they owe him basins of money or he knows their shady deals that by-passed environmental laws?

2. Does he know the names of mistresses they’re hiding in Georgia, Connecticut or Texas? No, you say. It’s not blackmail.

There are millions of Americans who love his style of being above the law, his mockery of legal and constitutional pillars of the U.S. republic. No doubt there are, but they are anonymous. Candidates running in 2024 have faces. They have websites. They are on television.

Why on earth would they risk their political future by supporting Trump? Is it blackmail? President Truman knew it was the end of the road after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Donald Trump doesn’t think 6 January 2021 was his last bus stop.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders



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