Salmon is Served

I don't overcook salmon. It becomes dry and crumbly in the mouth. 
I prefer it moist. That's why I grill it or cook it two minutes max.

My visitors are well off, carry four credit cards max, so they don’t worry about cooking. They go out or order lunch and dinner. I’m sad for them because the miss the fun of cooking, of making mistakes and correcting them. They also don’t know what is in the food and how much of it (ingredients).

Canola oil for example. It doesn’t have an after taste. That’s why I think I’m putting too much, since I discovered it last year. That’s wrong. Mama said we should not see cooking oil. It is there to nudge the onions and tomatoes, not provide a swimming pool. I’m trying to be more careful. We don’t know what oil restaurants use but please don’t ask them. You want to use canola oil? Stay home and cook, and not interrogate poor waiters (servers) about ‘trending cuisine.’ We eat out because we are hungry and also to see the rest of the world, since we are joined at the hip with our laptops, at home.

Salmon Open Sandwich

1. Get dinner rolls from the bakery

2. Cut them in half

3. Cook onions and tomatoes in canola oil for 6m

4. Add Jamaican jerk sauce and cook for 2m

5. Easy on the jerk sauce. It’s hot. It will jerk your body if you put too much

6. Put salmon on top and cook for 2m

7. Remove from stove. Don’t overcook salmon, it dries up

8. Place the chutney on dinner roll halves 

Alternative: Eat with rice or green salad.

 Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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