The Privileged Laptop Class

I’m privileged. I belong to the privileged laptop class. It’s not a toy. I need it for work. Right! Try another excuse. I’ve heard that one before. Honestly, I use it as a typewriter, that vintage object that sits in a glass box in museums. 

Laptops are a privilege because of the cost. They are like S.U.V.’s. They come in different shapes, power, capacity, digital bling bling and prices. I have the cheapest on the market because words are cheap. Back space for a second. Words are free. All I do is put them together to form a sentence that forms a paragraph. Four paragraphs form a blog to be read by my visitors. Words are free. Why then do I need a $1 000 laptop to write blogs? But, I’m still privileged to own one. Millions of people cannot afford it. That’s why they use phones to write anything that needs to be written or numbers that need to be added and subtracted.

Phones. I’m glad you mention phones. That is where your premise falls apart. Everything in that laptop of yours is in cellphones therefore, you are not privileged if you have something the whole world has, which is a cellphone.

True. True. True dat. Privilege comes from being a cut above the rest. That is why we take laptops to coffee shops, to inflate self-importance of Donald Trump proportions. Obviously we are not him, but laptops in public trigger envious thoughts about us. Who’s she? What does she do for a living to afford a laptop? The reality is that she is jobless and homeless, lives in that motel a block away after being kicked out by the boyfriend of four years.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders



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