Trump Controls Biden's Race

Pandering to Trump's whims will cost the Biden campaign, dearly.


Joe Biden’s advisors will be doing him a great disservice if they convince him to debate Donald Trump at this stage, for a number of reasons.

1. It will be allowing Donald Trump to determine the President’s footsteps: the who, where and when. November 2024, is too far away for the Biden campaign to allow hijacking. Trump wants a horse and buggy situation, where he sits at the back and whips the horse into action.

2. It will not be a debate. It will be another soap box of him being the front-runner and therefore immune to laws of the land. Ask Judge Engoron about the disrespect in his own court, the gag orders Trump appealed. Ask Jack Smith about his delaying tactics. Get more information about the fabricated attack on Fani Willis, Fulton County District Attorney. It’s all about delay and more delay until I BECOME PRESIDENT. Biden’s advisors must not be fooled and agree to Trump’s demand for a debate.

3. Such a debate will be a shouting match, and the U.S. President should not allow himself to be pulled down to Trump’s level. It’s important that he maintains the composure and focus on issues he demonstrated at the State of the Union address.

4. Trouble in paradise. Why would Donald Trump, ‘god’ himself, want to debate mortals like the U.S. President? He doesn’t believe in debates. Ask Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswany, Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott. He refused to debate them. Trump changed  his Party’s debate tradition. Biden’s campaign should not allow him to change campaigning rules for the whole country. That debate will come at the last leg of the campaign, just before the finishing line.

5. Such a debate will reinforce what poor people say about Donald Trump. He is being handled with kid gloves. If he was poor, he would be behind bars. If President Biden agrees to such a debate, he will be manufacturing a sticker that says: WHAT TRUMP WANTS TRUMPS GETS.

Bad News: Poll companies are crafting poll questions about the debate as we speak, and it will be prison food the world will be forced to eat for the next 8/9 months. Why? Traditional media cannot think for itself. It is poll-driven. It will be a great victory for Donald Trump, the master manipulator.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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