Nikki Haley Secretary of State?

George W. Bush former U.S. President with Condoleezza Rice, his U.S. Secretary of State.

Here’s a hypothetical, but scary scenario.  Donald Trump wins the 2024 election. He chooses his Vice President from the five hopefuls. He also needs a United States Secretary of State to hob-nob with prime ministers, presidents, kings, Germany’s Chancellor, and religious rulers of the world at the U.N. and other diplomatic halls in Geneva and Strasbourg.

Who does Donald Trump choose? Nikki Haley of course. Why? Because she was America’s U.N. ambassador during his presidency. Therefore, she has all their phone numbers.

On top of these illustrious credentials, she has a God-given advantage. Which is? She is a woman. Some diplomatic responsibilities seem to be tailored for women only. Look at these two women.

1. Condoleezza Rice, U.S. Secretary of State during the George W. Bush presidency.

2. Hilary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State during the Barack Obama presidency.

Both women were highly qualified but it seems like a tradition has been established. I don’t know how effective it is because women’s empowerment might be a priority for the U.S. but not for the rest of the world. A female ‘Foreign Minister’ does not have access to all the rooms her male counterpart has. Religion prevents women from certain spaces, at home and internationally. Religion and other cultural beliefs demand that women dress in a certain way. American women were not born or raised with such restrictions.

Nikki Haley The Product

Having said that, what would Nikki Haley be selling to the world, should Donald Trump make her Secretary of State? Democracy? Patriotism? The constitution? Rule of law? Women’s rights? What would she be selling for Donald Trump?

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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