Canada Day 2024 Count Down

Past Canada Day camaraderie. 

Lovely day today. I wish it could be clear skies like this on Canada Day, the national holiday on July 1. Let’s add up, my wish + millions = one wish, of all Canadians. What kind of math is this? Patriotic math.

We wish for clear skies because most celebrations take place outside, the sun on our arms and grass or waves under our feet. Canada Day also means some members of the family will wake up early to go to the park or beach, to ‘secure a spot.’ Government workers wish for clear skies because public Canada Day celebrations are funded by governments of the 10 provinces. Canada also has three territories. Contractors that set up stages, provide chairs, set up kiddies’ play areas etc. definitely look forward to clear skies. Police are assigned to public celebrations to ensure that we are on our best behaviour. Ambulances are also on stand-by to render help if we faint from the heat or colored drinks we hide in water bottles and coffee flasks.

People who hate waiting in line for washrooms in public parks and stadiums prefer to celebrate Canada Day at home where everything is nearby. What happens if it rains? They rush into the house. Oops! Delete that. There’s one wish: clear skies.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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