Republicans Endorse 6 January 2021

6 January 2021, Trump supporters responding to his master's voice.

The Republican Party as an entity, will be an accomplice to the desecration of the Capitol on 6 January 2021, when Donald Trump officially becomes the 2024 presidential nominee.

What are you inferring?

I’m neither an English professor nor a lawyer so I went online for the legal definition of inference. “An inference is a deduction of fact, based on ‘inductive reasoning’ using logic, reasonability and human experience.”

I’m inferring that based on Trump’s acts and omissions the Republican Party did not know then, but know now. There are two facts involved here. One unit of the Republican Party (ex-President) executed acts and omissions that led to the attack on an institution owned by American people. The second fact is that despite knowing that, the Party as an entity will go ahead and choose that one unit as the 2024 candidate. That is why I’m inferring that it will be tacit approval of those acts and omission.

What are you implying?  Implying is more general. It is an opinion, based on subjective reasons. Inference is based on evidence and fact. That is why choosing Trump as the candidate will be the Republican Party’s yes vote for the man, what he stands for and his acts and omissions that led to 6 January 2021, before and after. Ordinary card carrying members cannot divorce themselves from the Party’s position.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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