Car Leasing A Love Option


"I’m in love!!!!”

“Does he have a car?”

“Is that all you can say?”

“Does he or not?”

“Very well. We’re using mine for now.”

Love is a wonderful thing isn’t it? The problem are props to keep it upright. Cars for instance. Marriages with one car can be fraught with problems because of logistics: work, kids, sports etc. It’s not a problem for families that live in London, Toronto, Berlin, New York, Tokyo and other cities with established public transport.

That is marriage. How about dating? One car is definitely a problem because when love turns sour, she moves out with her car, neighbours thought was his. Why? It’s the nature of things. We assume that men have the trappings of life like cars. If only, he had leased a car and not depended on the girlfriend’s.

Leasing is an option we seldom consider because of status. Once upon a time, you were deemed rich if you owned a car. Two cars, his and hers? That was super rich, especially in former British colonies like Nigeria and South Africa. Only white people owned cars, only white people owned houses, only white people lived near the beach, only white people went on vacation etc. After independence, Africans were determined to prove that they are free to live like the white man. The British left an ownership mentality. That’s why car makers in Mexico, Germany, Japan, and elsewhere rely on it and ship mainly to Africa. All those new consumers itching to prove they have 'made it.'

Leasing is an option that is not marketed, but something ‘people in love’ should consider. It will keep love upright because one person will have a car, the other one a leased car. Are there six-months’ leases? I don’t know. What is good about a one-year lease is gossip. Nobody will know that one person in the relationship drives a leased car. That will bring shame, because where I was born, ownership is a status symbol, although it’s money down the drain. Cars lose their value as soon as we drive them out of the dealership.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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