Trump's Tweets From Prison

He's on lock down. 

Are prisoners allowed to have cellphone? Which carrier do they use? 

Old blog 25 January 2024

Donald Trump is not worried about attorney fatigue, because if one set of attorneys is exhausted, he hires another one, for all the nodes where he is belittling the American justice system.

How is life in jail? Being in prison, incarcerated, doing time, being behind bars or whatever you call it, deprives you of home comforts, including the warm bed with your wife or girlfriend. I always cringe when I come across podcasts where ex-convicts talk about prison rape. In my small mind, that should be the #1 deterrent for not doing crime, especially murder.

How is life in jail? Donald Trump will find out about steel, if he is convicted. Nothing personal. Ask men serving time in Georgia, because they were accused of violating RICO law, found guilty then thrown in jail. What I remember about prison is steel, or is it iron? The gates are steel, the toilet basin is steel and the plate is steel. Prison guards don’t serve you food on a tray. They forcefully slide it across to where you are sitting in the shower area.

The plate of steel has food that cannot be identified because it is unique to the establishment. There’s no actual chewing because the mind is in another zip code, another time before you were incarcerated. You just swallow and think about how long. How long? It was a political trial for us, so we were detained so that we don’t talk to each other. There was no answer to, how long. We were in solitary confinement but we were in real cells, eating prison grub and eating it without looking at that steel toilet.

I guess Donald Trump doesn’t have to worry about that because he didn’t do anything wrong and is demanding to be the president again, so he could deny any election, again.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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