Activate Cellphone Location? No.

No. I won’t activate location on my phone and other devices. I want to preserve the 2% privacy I have left. Even if I don’t, technology will still send obnoxious ads based on where I live. No problem, but I won’t make it even easier by activating ‘location.’

Technology killed the word privacy. Our lives are an open book so please allow me not, to activate ‘location’ to tell the world where I am. A Facebook friend visited South Africa and the system showed her location as the international airport in Johannesburg.

That won’t work for me because I like being incognito. Sometimes I’m at places where I’m not supposed to be. I like sneaking in and out of countries and I never say goodbye. It hurts some friends. ‘You never said goodbye.’ Probably because I never said HELLO.

My phone and other platforms want me to activate ‘location’ for devious reasons e.g. telling businesses in the area to flood me with ads for take away food, pharmacies, food chains, gas stations, election ads, you name it.

The big joke is that I can never win. Look my phone. I get recorded and live calls from Asia and the U.S. trying to sell me one thing or the other. I swear, one day they’ll try and sell me, to me.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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