Summer Plans Not Included?

Online pic.
Trinidad and Tobago kids frolicking in the sun and surf. Have they ever seen snow?

Summer is a big deal in Canada and U.S. something other countries don’t understand because they have it 24/7, as the kids put it. Summer is not an issue in countries knit by religion because it determines what is done during national holidays, religious observations and all aspects of life, including enjoying the sun.

Summer is quite long in Canada and U.S. therefore, families and couples tend to plan ahead. It’s mid-June and most summer plans are locked in already. Therefore, if you are not in your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s plan now, you are not part of their summer. It’s more painful at home, when husbands make summer plans with unidentified people that are their ‘shadow’ family. Most wives in other parts of the world, just ‘swallow the stone’ to quote a Zulu proverb, while girls in Canada are more prone to verbal noise about ‘You cheating on me?’ Dating is a loose arrangement but men and women still make assumptions, and do not discuss things.

The internet does not help matters. We are mad at not being included in summer plans because of expectations. Human beings are not rhinos so they can read, but we still cannot read the writing on the wall. How? We are voracious readers of social media therefore, we love everything ‘romantic.’ Valentine’s Day assumptions about gifts like cars (Nigerian movies) never materialize, so do birthday expectations about ‘the proposal,’ but women don’t stop making assumptions. Men that went abroad also make assumptions that girls they left in Africa four years ago, are still waiting for them. The girl left behind believes the man is alone in Canada working for their future, when he is married with two kids.

Summer plans need money, even if it’s a trip to the next state or province. Summer gives dating couples more time to spend together than they normally do, unless they are living together. Being excluded from summer plans can be a rude awakening that you are not part of something you thought you were a part of. Romance is one thing, reality something else. It’s your summer, plan it with friends and family, not with strangers liberal with the emaciated phrase: I love you.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Blogger Without Borders


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