Tablets Top-Up Phones

Sales assistants in clothing stores tote tablets where they check if they have that jacket in my size. Waiters (servers) also use tablets to place our orders and prepare the final bill. Not me. 
I have a tablet which I hardly use because my phone is my world. It takes pictures of the world. 

Writing is old school. It is slow. It is not exciting. It needs concentration and the human brain is waterlogged because of Tik Tok and fake news. It cannot handle reading stress. It is not immediate like videos therefore, readers need motivation. I take pictures for this blog to do just that, motivate them. I believe photos are the bait that leads to bigger fish, which is reading all five paragraphs.

That’s why I shoot and archive as much as possible. Sourcing photos online is very frustrating. It can take me a whole hour to find the right JPEG pics. The tablet is too big for clothing pockets. It will also give me away, when I want to take pictures discreetly. I tried taking the tablet for a walk last fall to capture some nature like fall leaves, but I found the quality wanting. Photos were not as crisp and well-lit like phone pics.

Why did you buy it then? I didn’t actually. It was a package deal when I signed up for a new phone contract two years ago. I thought it could be back-up, in case my laptop was snoozing or just plain dead for no reason. That’s the other reason why I hardly use the tablet. I screen movies. That’s why I always choose laptops with a big screen. The tablet would not give me that.

Mr. Brownlee, the YouTube tech falcon that goes by did a review of a huge tablet. I forget the dimensions. It made me laugh because I said to myself, what’s the point? I might as well buy a laptop. Having said that, I won’t give up on my tablet. I’ll keep punching and massaging until I’m good at it, like waiters (servers) in restaurants.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang. 



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