Carrot Potato Salad

Eat your greens. They are good for you.

Parents all over the globe have motivational speeches to coax kids to eat vegetables. I didn’t like carrots so mama tweaked mash potatoes.


1. Peel potatoes. Cut into small slices.

2. Steam them for 12m. Boil for 10m if you don’t’ have a steamer.

3. Using the tip of a knife, cut a little amount of low fat margarine and apply it to potatoes, while they are warm.

4. Slice carrots and steam for 7m.

5. Mash both vegetables with a fork. Don’t use blender. It’s a waste. Some food remains attached on the sides and goes down the drain when we wash the blender.

6. Cut carrots into further small slices if they are still hard.

7. You could cook carrots for 10m to make them softer, but that kills their goodness.

8. Slice and steam apples for garnish.

9. Eat with roast, fish or stir fry.

Nonqaba waka Msimang

Executive Blogger


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