Cryptocurrency Beginners' Guide

Great news! I woke up this morning. I’m happy you did too. That’s why you are reading this. Why are we afraid of dying in our sleep? Clean-up. Families and loved ones must clean up the mess and it costs money. We didn’t leave a will for obvious reasons. No assets. We didn’t leave a dime because we didn’t have a dime when we were waking up every morning.

Dimes. Which brings me to cryptocurrency. Does it have nickels, dimes and dollars? I don’t know much about it because I cannot pronounce cryptology. It’s like eating food you cannot pronounce. I don’t order that in restaurants. If cryptocurrency is not physical, if I cannot touch and count it, it is not money.  

Credit and debit cards are not fool proof. Example. There we were at Ikea, trays full of salmon and soup of the day. Bham! The restaurant tells us the system is down, so we can’t use credit and debit cards. Fortunately I had a $20 bill. Thanks mama. You’re a girl, you must always have cash on you, in case something goes wrong.

But I must come to terms with cryptocurrency. It exists. Nigerian boys dabble in it, from what I’ve seen in Nigerian movies. Secondly, one high profile dabbler was arrested in an island country and is facing fraud charges. I couldn’t follow the case because I’m clueless about the subject, but guess what? I saw a cryptocurrency vending machine at the Fashion Outlet Mall, outside town. Now I believe. Does it spit out money like the bank machine? We shall never know. My life is not much, but I’m still happy I woke up this morning. I cannot complicate it with money in the crypt. Do you know what a crypt is? You better ask somebody.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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