Crime Colourless

Crime is very happy. It can no longer be painted white or blue. If my memory serves me correctly, it had something to do with clothes. Managers and office workers used to wear white shirts and ties. Some cooked the books, although they couldn’t boil an egg at home. They got caught, giving crime a bad name. How can you say that? Crime is bad, period.

Alright! Alright! Nonetheless, it’s happy because it is colorless once again, thanks to the internet. Cyber crime does not have a color designation, unless I missed something. There are so many things I don’t know because the internet is a deep dark secret, like the force that swallowed the Titanic in 1912 and the 2023 fact-finding expedition called the Titanic submersible.

Cyber crime doesn’t have a color because it doesn’t happen in a defined space like a country, a store, a house or workplace. Yes, computers and other instruments that enable crime are found in these spaces, but they are not the actual crime. For example, break and enter. A door or window is broken, an access card is disabled to enable unauthorized entry or a truck-load of goods disappears into thin air.

Cyber crime is colorless because it leaves no clues. It is also the most dangerous because a lot of money is involved, so much money that brother kills brother, and we don’t mean step brother.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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