Zulu Lesson Kidnapping

Roots, the American T.V. series about slavery, based on Alex Haley's book, Roots.

Kidnapping is thumba in the Zulu language. Cattle and women were spoils of war in ancient Africa, then the slave trade introduced a new dimension: coin money. That is how some wars were fought specifically to get men and women for European slave traders, that supplied America and the Caribbean with ‘cargo.’ Other women were just kidnapped as they went about their daily lives. 

In present day Nigeria, most movies have a kidnapping scene. I don’t live there, but I think movies exacerbate the problem because we tend to be copy cats. Some people forget movies are fiction and might become kidnappers.

Porn producers and kidnapping. Young girls are in danger in some parts of the U.S. They are kidnapped, forced into drugs and online porn movies. Unfortunately, some girls like Carlee Russell from Alabama lie about it. She disappeared on 13 July. She turned up two days later and claimed she was kidnapped. She lied. She was arrested and is out on bail. She is facing two misdemeanors at Jefferson County for faking her own kidnapping.

Thu-mba. You say the first part like tool and the second like Amber, a girl’s name. Kidnapping also refers to stealing ideas. You discuss a concept with a co-worker. He puts pen to paper and prepares a brilliant presentation for the boss. You just sit there in shock.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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