Internet The New PR Department

Voices of people with no internet presence are not heard, but they vote with their wallets
 as they did with Bud Light. They also know how they will vote in 2024. 

The internet is the main opposition party. People that work in government communications will tell you that they have a list of organizations that must be appeased, before ministers mount the podium and announce X number of dollars for this cause or the other.

Which organizations? It depends on elections. As you know, voters are slotted into boxes: race, women, business, oilmen, aboriginal issues, Greta TinTin Thunberg the environmentalist from Sweden, immigrants, farmers etc.

That list flies out of the window when the internet explodes with the news that the honourable minister is actually a white woman, pretending to be black. We know the drill. She will be suspended without pay while the matter is being investigated.

The latest online headline is the cancel childhood movement to turn boys into girls, by surgically removing their thing, so that gay men can have a fresh pond to fish from. This minority is so powerful, it has infiltrated schools and is backed by the government. Concerned parents are labeled 'right wing.'

The internet must be appeased, because it is like a forest fire in British Columbia, that will scorch the whole province, with repercussions in Ottawa, the home of the federal government. The internet has so much power, it makes handlers redundant.

Handlers are political fire fighters that decide what is good or bad for prime ministers or congressmen and women. However, you don’t have to be Einstein to know that George Santos is bad news for Republicans. The internet is so powerful, it changes the English language. Is there a problem? Just publish an apology, which is not an apology.

Which leads us to government communications departments. Has the internet made them redundant?

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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