Twitter and Unlisted Phone Numbers

“May I have your number?”

“It’s in the phone book.”

“I couldn’t find it.”

“Oops! My bad. I forgot it is unlisted.”

It’s a joke now, because phone numbers, birthdays, age, divorce history and banking details are out there, online. It’s called data, and it’s probably one of the reasons Muskology changed the name from Twitter to X. Yes, Twitter. Please indulge me to say Twitter, for the purposes of this blog.

I don’t fully understand it, but the new Twitter will have a banking option. My antenna light up at the mention of banks. I don’t know the difference between wealthy and rich, but I know banks and money are twins. If the new Twitter can function as a bank, it means my life has an added danger. We are prey to scams. Top of the range hackers hack little people like me and big guns like airlines and telecom companies.

Why the banking option? Elon Musk can change the name of his possessions if he likes. Most women don’t have an option. They get married, they change their surname. But why does he want to be a ‘bank’? For the same reason why everybody is doing it.


Tenants in one building got an email from an excited landlord. No more paying rent through the bank. The mortgage, hydro, internet, car, gym, school fees, child support, donation everything, is done electronically, through the bank. They even have a fancy name for it ‘beneficiary.’

This landlord said tenants will now pay an agent, who will then send the money to the landlord. Guess what? Every payment will cost $1. This landlord owns more them 20 buildings in the city, and most of them are high rise. Tenants said hell no! The landlord scrapped the dollar fee, but the new payment system through the 'agent' went ahead.

That was a big victory for those tenants, talk about daylight robbery. Yes and no, because personal information that resides in banks, is now in the computer of the ‘agent.’

Data. We are banking data, and nothing else.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang. 


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