Chess is Male and Female

Chess is a 'hate' game. Why? It has a king and queen. That's your opinion. 
Don't force your trans gender LGB... alphabet on the majority, world majority.

Men who decide to sleep with other men do it for reasons best known to themselves so, it’s more than ‘coming out.’ They seldom share them with the public and they shouldn’t, because windows have drapes (curtains) to hide what citizens do at night.

What the LGB …. alphabet also omits is physical and mental abuse in their relationships. Women all over the world are used to it. It’s a woman’s lot. In societies that still live on the land, older women take the bride aside and tell her that marriage is like walking on hot coals, and give her advice on how to make her fire-proof. Up to this day, mothers turn back married daughters who arrive home black and blue and eyes half closed, from beatings.

There’s always a ‘woman’ in gay relationships that is the recipient of physical, sexual, mental and other abuse, because “She’s my b …. ch.” White men who hate black men say: “She’s my ni …gg, b …ch.” Sexual abuse of male ‘wives’ by their husbands or boyfriends points to one fact, the world is male and female. Gay and lesbians know this. They live the male and female reality. It’s their choice. It’s not national policy, but their choice. Why then, should they propagate a lie that there are no boys or girls, to the extent of castrating boys who were given their things by nature? Once they are castrated, they will ‘fall in love’ with older men, who will treat them like 'women'. It’s a woman’s lot.

To every investment, there are dividends. Why is President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau doing this? What is the back story? They are not telling us why they support more letters to be added to the LGB .... alphabet. They don't explain the use of our tax dollars to finance sex experiments that should remain behind bedroom drapes and not enter school gates. Boys! Little boys! How can you look at a boy and see sexual activity, and not cuteness?

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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