Platinum More Value Than Women

Women who decide to be 'men' are not playing men's sports and using male locker rooms. 
Why? They know what men will do to them. It's only men 'transitioning' to be women, because of their hatred for the female species.

Society does not attach any value to women. That is why we see some men claiming to be women. It is hard being a girl, then a woman. Beyonce recorded a song If I were a Boy in one of her albums. I forget who wrote it.

Although women are the only precious commodity, they don’t have premium value like gold and platinum. They’re a once-off commodity,  when their body functions as a garden to nurture the human form for nine months, then deliver it to the world through sweat and blood, literally.

Women give the human form milk, warmth and love until it becomes a man and gets a job at the Stock Exchange. The more it grows, the more the mother’s value deteriorates, a sharp contrast to gold and platinum, which go up in value all the time.

The human form in the woman’s belly must have value. It must be a boy, so that it can be an ‘heir’ and inherit daddy’s gold and platinum investments. In some countries, women are burnt alive for giving birth to valueless forms, girls. In places like Africa, tradition gives men the right to marry other wives, if current ones have kids with no value.

Gold and platinum are not only for wedding rings, they are used to make little parts for cellphones, aerospace and other industries as well.  These items end up in the Stock Exchange and make men rich.


Mothers are not so fortunate, they are ‘mined’ like gold and platinum, but that mining is their downfall.

1. Young men are encouraged to sow their wild oats before they settle down, meaning sleeping with women who are good for one thing, but not for taking them home to mum and dad.

2. When women become pregnant outside marriage, their children are called bastards, in some cases they cannot get married because men  feel they’re no longer ‘pure’.

3. if they terminate the pregnancy they’re called criminals.

4. if they give birth to daughters they’re useless.

5. men don’t go to war for border disputes or religion, but wage wars just to defile girls and women.

6. if city girls are raped it’s their fault because of what they’re wearing.


Crimes against women are endless, and are caused by their lack of value.  Women in Canada and the U.S. still fight to put value on themselves as human beings.

Their victories are now enshrined in constitutions, but they still think twice about getting pregnant, because the workplace gets irritated when they go on maternity leave. ‘The project cannot wait for her,’ is the general feeling.

As we said earlier, giving birth to future generations is the only precious commodity, but the reality is that when mothers return to work, they have smaller offices and less responsibility.

Mothers can never be gold and platinum.

From:  Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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